Shift and Level Up

A blog about how to shift any situation and use it to level up your life. From personal stories and lessons to everyday things.

What’s this all about?

Wondering what this blog is all about? I’ll tell you right now. It’s about when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. It’s about when something comes up in life, shift your perspective or direction and find a way for it to help you level up!

Now these may be some stories from my real-life experiences, things I learned from a few books, or even things I’m observing that I hope can help you as much as I would have needed it. Life isn’t easy (or it is if you believe it is) and scary things are put in our path to help us grow and level up!

My first story will be the one that brought us here. Summer of 2022 was a rough one. I’ll go over briefly on the events and maybe dive into each story at a later date. I went from a real estate agent to an interior design intern in a matter of months, our family got a little tangled up and then untangled with extended family issues and struggling with minor things in between. It didn’t turn around until I shifted my perspective and used anything that I thought was negative and turned it into an opportunity to level up. this blog is healing for me and I hope it is for you too.

One major tip I can give you today is if it doesn’t feel right stop fighting it and change it. There is a reason it doesn’t feel right, and I promise it will work out in the end anyway. It has to. I worked my butt off getting my real estate license during the pandemic at home online with an 8- and 6-year-old. It wasn’t easy but I’ve done harder things. Jumped on a team with the agent that I had used to buy and sell our home previously. Long story short a year after working on that team realized I was being used and he was making the majority of the profit. The profit that was rightfully mine. After that verbal smack down I gave him, I was an independent agent for a few months which felt so good because I took a pause in my job, but I didn’t obtain any knowledge during that time with them which isn’t surprising so I needed to find a new team or so I thought. As a new agent you learn almost nothing in school that you really need to do the job. I felt I had to find a good mentor or team willing to teach you the way things go. fast forward to when I find another team to be on and had a few clients I just didn’t like doing it at all but all the time and money I invested I felt guilty to quit. It dragged on a few more months and I was not happy at all. That is until I finally quit and just stayed still. Healed and rested in a time where I felt like I should be doing something, but nothing was to be done. Suddenly out of the blue I get a text from a friend I spoke to a few times during my real estate job while I was taking classes for staging homes. She texts me and asks if I would like to work with her on a few projects in interior design. I have never been so creatively fulfilled and happy to do a job in my life. If I held onto what wasn’t making me happy, I was blocking the opportunity for happiness and the flow of something new.

As hard as the lesson about being screwed over was, I am much stronger now. I’m learning to not care about hurting someone feelings over my own. To stop fighting what is supposed to happen and allow things to just flow like they are meant to be and enjoy it. The universe or whatever you believe in has our back. We just need to let go and enjoy. I am in control of my life. Say it with me, “I am in control of my life”. You are absolutely in control of yours. Don’t ever solely rely on anyone for information, happiness, emotions, or anything. Heal inside of you and get that for yourself! Shift your perspective and Level Up.