Shift and Level Up

A blog about how to shift any situation and use it to level up your life. From personal stories and lessons to everyday things.

Reflect their energy and manifest!

Reflecting their energy is a hard lesson to learn. What I mean by this is not giving more to someone than they are giving to you whether that be time, money, emotions, love, items or anything! Trust yourself because I know you know exactly what I am talking about. When they get mad that you aren’t giving more to them than they give to you, then that is a sure sign they are taking without giving and why waste your anything on someone like that. Give that to yourself instead. Actually give that to yourself first!

Life is too short to waste it on people who take and never even try to make sure they think of you. Find your people I promise your life will be so much better and things will just flow. Shift your mindset and self-worth because you deserve as much as you put out. Fix whatever chakra you need to be willing to receive and go get it! You are in control of your life I promise. Imagine one day you wake up and have everything you wanted and were happy beyond measure? What would that look like? Envision it and feel those feelings. Write it as a story in a notebook and then do whatever you can to keep that vision, emotion and story alive. Do small things every day to get you to that place. That’s called manifesting. give it a go full force and don’t be scared. Baby steps or big leaps, just do something!! Fake it till it’s a habit then it becomes you and then keep going!!! Reach for the stars.

Sit down and write your story, feel it and envision it. Each day start to live it. It’s all scary. Choose which scary you are willing do. Will be it settling for less than you deserve or growing?

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