Shift and Level Up

A blog about how to shift any situation and use it to level up your life. From personal stories and lessons to everyday things.

Feminine Energy

Let’s do a fun chat about feminine energy. It’s not as in female vs male, we all have feminine and masculine energies like a yin and yang, and they balance each other out. It is so important as a male and even more as a female to make an effort to get in touch with that feminine energy. I’ll explain a little of both before I give some tips on how to start to tap into it.

Masculine energy:

This is explained as a doing or being action-oriented energy. Stable and more predictable. When I compare the two, I usually say masculine is more about leadership, structure, work, strong and so on and feminine is more about nature, softness, love, intuition, creation and so on. Masculine goes along the lines with creation of structures and rules. It is more stable and predictable, the ruler of the family and the protector. A lot of us are in this energy due to working in environments that don’t allow our feminine energy to flow or having to be a caretaker and many other reasons.

Feminine energy:

Beauty, love, nature, spiritual aspect of life and creativity are all great examples of feminine energy. Reminder: We all have both and should use both!!! We are all in need of some tapping into our feminine energy because think about it, we possibly have a structure 9-5 job or a scheduled life at home, we possibly may think being playful and creating art is a waste of time or less of a priority. Feminie energy is about feeling love, attractive, selfcare and doing everything with love. Forgiveness and understanding.

Few tips on how to tap into your feminine energy

I can write more in depth if you would like, just tell me, and we can go deeper but this will be a few small things to start.

Go out into nature

Go for a walk outside, it’s called mother nature after all. If weather permits pick yourself a nice bouquet of wildflowers or “weeds” (read my other post SMALL LIFE LESSON IN THE WEEDS) take time to smell them, study them and notice their colors. Walk slow and observe everything around you and only notice the beauty of it all.

Take a bath

Take time to take a bath. Make it fancy, Epsom salt and some essential oils and rest. Be still and fell the water around you. Tell yourself how beautiful your body is and let you mind be still.

Get dressed up

Treat every day like someone important and life changing will see you out and about, who knows maybe that will happen! Don’t save that shirt or outfit for a more fun or eventful day. Feel the fabric on your skin and know you are worth looking good and your best every day. Don’t get me wrong, lazy days in pjs are the best but don’t make that your uniform.

Intuitive eating

I will possibly make a post just about this and how I lost 20LBS, this is about not eating breakfast, lunch and dinner on a set schedule every day, this is about listening to your body and learning it and what hungry vs thirsty feels like. You’ll be surprised to find out half the time you think you are hungry you actually are thirsty! Your cravings have meanings too, look them up or just eat what you want while listening to your body about when you are full. This also helps you get in tune with your body and out of your head. It’s grounding and helps you trust yourself and trains your intuition.

I hope this helped a little, let me know, especially if you’d like some more tips on what to do next. I love sharing the ways I have been able to shift my life and level it up by being in control of my life and energy and where it goes.